Change the World


Here's one way to help us help you.

Crowdfunding comes with accompanying  fees.  The best way to ensure your contribution goes 100% toward the cause is by mailing your check to the address below.  (Keep in mind, donations over $5000 must be made directly to the law firm. Contact us for further information and to make arrangements.)   If you mail a check, be sure to write the name of the campaign in the memo.  Today, your choices are UAL,  Hawaiian and P4PC FM Global.  If you are contributing via Give/Send/Go, be sure to select the proper entity to ensure your funds are properly apportioned.  Below, you will see color-coded buttons for each campaign.  Know your campaign’s color and contribute accordingly. NO CONTRIBUTIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE.  Thank you for your help and prayers.


Mail Checks to:  AE4HF

                                6606 FM 1488

                                STE. 148-139

                                Magnolia, TX 77354



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Want to make a difference?

Help us raise funds for our fight.