Press Room

Vaccine Safety Information Shouldn’t Surprise Anyone

On January 24, 2022, Senator Ron Johnson held a discussion allowing doctors to speak openly about many topics surrounding the pandemic including vaccine safety.  One of the most disturbing testimonies came from Attorney Thomas Renz who addressed the effect of the vaccine on the military where 100% of active service members are now required to be vaccinated. Addressing the astounding changes since the vaccine has been implemented, Renz cited the military’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) which shows an almost 300% increase in miscarriages in the last year, an almost 300% increase in cancer and a 1000% increase in neurological diagnoses, ones that are specifically affecting military pilots.  That number went from 8200 to 863,000 in one year’s time. Another fact presented by Mr. Renz was that those in the military with Covid in September of 2021 were 71% fully vaxxed and 68% of hospitalizations were among the vaccinated. This information was shared with the CDC, but the information presented by the public was that this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated, a catch-phrase which was used by Scott Kirby to justify his vaccine mandate and refusal to reasonably accommodate those with RAPs.

If those numbers seem surprising to some, they should not be.  Mr. Renz’s numbers are only proof of what was warned against at the very beginning of the pandemic.  The most compelling information came in a video released on April 13, 2020 where virologist Dr. Judy Mikovitz talked with Robert Kennedy Jr. about the efforts to bring a coronavirus vaccine to market beginning in 2003 after the first outbreak of SARS COV-1. For almost 20 years researchers had been unable to develop a vaccine due to its adverse effects, namely “increased infertility and cancer development leading to death in all the animals” in the studies—the same side effects of which  Mr. Renz now presents proof.  For her efforts to inform the American public, Dr. Mikovitz, who spent her entire career working in vaccine development, was labeled a conspiracy theorist.  Others talked of the same thing including Dr. Michael Yeadon, another world-renowned virologist and epidemiologist from the UK.  One only need go to the National Library of Medicine and National Center for Biotechnology Information at to read the studies to which Dr. Mikovitz was referring.  Over and over conclusions in those studies use phrases such as “Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”

Yet, here we are two years later having to hear the information which was warned about all along come to fruition in the sacrificed lives of the vaccinated around the world, some vaccinated by choice, others by coercion, but most certainly most vaccinated with uncertainty in their future.  Healthy, unvaccinated individuals await their return to work where they will be able to fill in the gap for those adversely affected by a faulty vaccine causing more and more destruction by the day.